Dear Friend

Picture Courtesy:

We need to talk, my friend.

It’s been days since we had

A heart to heart.

There’s so much I’ve been meaning to tell you.

I see you alone,

Depressed and anxious,

Lost in your thoughts,

Calculating how much more,

You can take it all in.

Before you burst,

Before you break down.

I see you agitated,

I see you battling,

With your circumstances.

I see you running away,

From the stresses.

But somehow you always end up,

In a pool of them.

I see you trying to compose yourself,

Take a deep breath,

Hold up your head,

Shoulders squared,

Motivated yet again.

Facing your troubles head on.

You haven’t lost the faith in yourself.

You are still breathing,

Still fighting,

Still believing.

You are a warrior

And it breaks my heart

To see your hopes shatter

To see your hard work

Go to waste.

To see you bruised and bleeding.

To see you holding onto

The waning hope.

You tell yourself, “It’s going to be okay.”

But the time never comes.

It’s always been like this.

You are surprised at yourself,

At your steel strength,

How are you even alive?

Nobody ever told you,

You’re the hero.

Nobody ever believed in you.

So there you were

Standing amongst the chaos

Full of doubts.

Dear friend,

I want to tell you

That you are brave

For still going on.

For picking yourself up

Again and again.

I want to tell you

That it takes immense will-power

To forgive oneself.

I want to tell you

My friend, I am proud of you.

Your fight is worth it.

You are worth it.

I want to tell you

My friend,

You are not alone.

I am here

To pick you up.

I want to tell you

My friend,

That freedom from

This suffocating world exists.

I want to tell you

My friend,

I love you,

For what you are,

For what you’ve always been.

I see your pure soul,

Your gentle heart,

Your kind spirit,

Your cheerful smile,

Your gloomy eyes.

Dearest friend,

It was never easy,

But it won’t last forever.

Keep breathing.

I am cheering for you

As long as we are alive.

Hold on, keep moving on.

Your struggle,

Your sweat and blood,

It all matters.

And no one and no thing can

Conquer that steel strength of yours.


Your friend.


Picture Credits:

You are floating,

Your mind is blank,

Nothing makes sense

The past, the present,

Is all a blur.

What was right?

What would have you changed?

You don’t know.

As if you haven’t lived!

The days speed up,

The nights spent in thrashing headaches.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock,

Listening to the striking clock.

It’s dark, just you and your thoughts.

Where is everything going?

What are even you doing?

All is hazy, all is a blur.

You are just a ghost of yourself.

Experiencing at a distance.

Are you even living?

Or have you gone numb?

What do you feel,

Except the torment,

Of the life you’re living?

Wake up! You tell yourself.

And then the flood of thoughts overwhelm you.

The songs that you were listening to on the way home,

They all fade away.

Succumbing under your own thoughts.

You replay them,

This time to enjoy,

And again the buzzing starts.

It’s a cycle you can’t stop.

What are you?

Where do you even belong?

What are you aspirations?

What are your dreams?

Why are you so detached from reality?

The noise, the deafening noise.

Coming from outside your body.

Oh the agony!

Why can’t they shut up?

A bit of tranquility,

A bit of solitude,

With no polluting thoughts.

Just you experiencing the reality.

Why is it difficult to attain?

Your mind is coming back,

To the annoying ticking of the clock,

In the quietude of the dark.