Learn, Unlearn.

I know, it’s not a very good quality picture, but I was trying to capture the new moon on the last night of this year.

So what I learned this year or unlearned this year?

• It is totally okay to be lost. Because after that you can set your own direction. You eventually find your way.

• You need people around you to give that support to you when you pick yourself up. Although your determination and your strength counts the most but sometimes that one last push comes from those who love you and care about you.

• Don’t ever underestimate yourself and the power social media. It can sometime result in you almost getting a show cause notice (don’t want to scare you guys) but you must acknowledge your own power and try to use it wisely and justly.

• Try to keep your circle of friends small. Not everyone is and frankly sometimes just one is enough.

• People don’t like it when you rant. Try writing a personal diary or just don’t bother listen to them when they snide or mock you when you rant.

• Families fight, siblings are annoying and sometimes you even want to leave your parents for whatever differences and arguments you might have with them, but you just can’t hate them or hurt them, no matter what. And they really love you. They just show it in a more strict way or different way.

• People change, even you do. Don’t hold grudges against them for that. Let them grow and accept them as an individual different than the rest.

• There’s a huge difference between love and attraction, don’t mistake the latter to be former and be hasty in your declarations.

• People, like you deserve chances to correct them. Just be cautious.

• Believe in whatever a person is telling you, that doesn’t mean that you have to trust them.

• If you love someone, give them freedom to be who they are.

• Always be open and flexible to other opinions and beliefs. That way you will learn and unlearn and be a better person.

• Always strive to be a better version of yourself, not anyone else’s but yourself.

• Learn to accept. That’s the start of your healing process.

• Don’t ever hesitate to visit a psych for any mental illness you have. They might help you in so many ways unfathomable.

• Personal beliefs and opinions about anything be it politics, religion or about life shouldn’t limit you to love them. They are their own. There’s no need for you to change them. Accept them for who they are. Believe me they aren’t harming your opinions in anyway.

• Whoever you believe in or not, you are not superior to anyone. Drop that thinking right away.

• Love and accept. Half of the problems will be solved.

• God hasn’t left you. He never did. He helps you when you have forgotten the most about Him.

• Be with people who make you fall in love with God. Not with the ones who scare you away. Because that is one support system that will always stay with you.

• Start reading. It is never too late. If you don’t like it, read short stories, articles anything. Just start. It will stimulate your mind and will help keep it occupied.

• Vacant mind is the magnet to mental problems.

• Meet new people, try going to different places, broaden your horizons.

• Wonderful things happen when you least expect them.

• Failure is really not the end. It eventually gets better but you need constant vigilance.

• Laziness and procrastination is not something to be proud of. Just let it go. Set your goals and work towards them. Being lazy is a setback.

• Cook for others. It’s pleasing when they like the food and go into a food coma because of it.

• It is not cool whatsoever to mock anyone’s illness in anyway.

• Don’t be ashamed to call yourself a feminist but be ashamed of labelling others awful stuff before knowing them.

• And last, solitude. Solitude is important for your growth. Learn to love it and try to spend time with yourself, you are with the most beautiful person in the whole world at that moment.